JD Duarte


Jose Duarte explains how best to evaluate employee efficiency

A good evaluation of the work performance of employees is essential when identifying and classifying the profile of each worker. In the management of a business, the evaluation of work performance is key when it comes to improving their performance and achieving the best results. Not only that, but a good performance evaluation is also necessary when identifying and classifying the profile of each worker, which will achieve the best results and their promotion within the company itself. Jose Duarte, a lifelong entrepreneur and business owner from Costa Rica, provides insight into evaluating employee efficiency.

In order to fully and effectively evaluate your employees, it is necessary to approach the evaluation of work performance from a complete perspective that includes four areas. These are productivity, efficiency, training and understanding of objectives.

When it comes to evaluating work performance, productivity is one of the key factors. Productivity is understood as the amount of work that an employee carries out during his working day. In this sense, it is important to have a productive workforce, as well as to encourage that productivity by providing the tools and processes that are necessary to achieve it.

Duarte adds, “Keep in mind that the quality of what the company produces should never be jeopardized in favor of the amount of work it does. It should not be forgotten that the quality of a job is totally subjective. Measuring the quality of the produced work will often depend on the type of sector, as well as on the specific tasks assigned to each worker.”

Another factor that must be taken into account when evaluating work performance is efficiency. Efficiency is the result of maximizing productivity while keeping effort and/or expenses to a minimum. An efficient employee can be described as one who is able to develop his tasks in the shortest possible time and do so with an optimal result.

For this, it is essential to provide workers with the appropriate project management processes and tools. These will be, to a large extent, the first necessary requirement for workers to increase their efficiency at work.

The next factor that has to be assessed when making the evaluation of work performance is the training acquired. We all know the importance of training in the professional growth of employees. But also the crucial role it plays in the growth of the company itself.

“A trained worker is a worker prepared to help your company achieve all the objectives you set for yourself,” asserts Duarte. “Therefore, investing in employee training is investing in the company itself.”

Events, talks, conventions, congresses and professional breakfasts – all these possibilities of encouraging the training of employees are enormous. They must be used by companies to make them grow and develop. The key is to select which training areas we need to strengthen in the company, and which employees are the most likely to receive such training.

Finally, the last major factor that must be taken into account when evaluating work performance is related to the objectives achieved. For the good work performance of employees, it is important that they know perfectly what their objectives are. That is, what is expected of them.

In this sense, it is important to agree with employees’ realistic and achievable objectives in a specific time, since the opposite will create the feeling that the objectives are unattainable and this will generate carelessness or lack of commitment on the part of the worker. In addition, it’s important not to forget that it is the company that must provide employees with all the training, tools and resources necessary to achieve the objectives set.