JD Duarte


JD Duarte discusses how startups can avoid simple legal mistakes

A person who starts a new business needs to pay attention to legal issues when starting it. It is tragically true that these are the things that can make or break an organization. That is why it is so important for entrepreneurs to thoroughly investigate the legal aspects of their business before they begin. JD Duarte is a veteran entrepreneur and businessman, and discusses the common mistakes that entrepreneurs are likely to make when starting a business venture for the first time.

It is possible for entrepreneurs to set themselves up for failure by not thoroughly investigating the legal aspects of their business before they start. Likewise, it is very common for entrepreneurs to fail to set up the right legal structure in their business.

This can lead to them having to seek out financial professionals, leave their organization, or be sued by a client. They could be exposing themselves to personal risk if they fail to set up the right legal structure for their business.

If it is time for the organization to be sold or the originator to leave, an investor’s understanding is critical to everyone’s success. If this understanding is lacking, there will be a lot of turmoil in the company. Duarte asserts, “It is advisable to have an attorney draft an authoritative document outlining how investors will be resolved and what happens if one leaves, is bitten by dust, or gets separated.”

It is common for small organizations to face difficult situations owing to the lack of worker manuals. There have been numerous cases of extremely successful organizations failing to pay out claims made by former employees. It is important that you consult a human resource adviser or proficient software provider to help you design the best human resources strategy for your company.

You must be careful not to criticize them. Duarte adds, “Seek legal guidance to determine what constitutes criticism and what is permissible speech.” The bottom line is that private companies are being encouraged to make fun of their competitors, either publicly or privately on the internet.

Often independent companies fail to discover a way to protect their innovation until an organization steps in. Get the advice of a lawyer to take stock of the innovations your organization is protected from until an organization steps in. Get the advice of a lawyer to take stock of the innovations your organization is protected against.

It is better to negotiate than to prosecute. A great lawyer will always have a similar opinion to this when he is dealing with the client. Don’t get sue-happy. Individuals can sue each other and then explode. Both sides end up losing a lot of money and are unable to make a decision. A great lawyer will always have this opinion when dealing with the client.

The website of your independent venture needs to be secure. Hacking is more common in independent ventures. Not only could your company suffer from being taken down, but you could also lose sensitive client information on your website.

You are not able to prevent employees from using the internet for personal reasons while at work. Thus, you should block unseemly sites in order to protect both the organization and the workers. Use work computers only for your own entertainment. In order to make sure that the company PCs are being used responsibly, it is important to monitor their site usage every once in a while.

If required, seek out financial experts outside of your organization. Many entrepreneurs look for outside investment to help them grow their business. It can be difficult for legitimate businesses to continue if investors have problems with the way the company is run.

Investors can also make it difficult for legitimate businesses to continue. The investor’s personality and financial resources, as well as their contribution to the company, are equally important. Be careful, however, when choosing your investor.

Finally, regardless of what you do, make sure you properly remit the payroll tax (or sales charges) information to the appropriate government agencies. It is imperative that independent businesses collect finance taxes and sales taxes.

Using an administration system will allow you to transmit employer and employee taxes, and you will need a separate record for the collection of sales and use fees. The government will not accept these numbers and the independent business will be shut down.